Photo credit @Adrian McDonald Photography


Hilda Asare [ Heal-Da]


looking back to the road less travelled,

I see countless failures and disappointments

I see the footprints of our journey,

the slips and falls indented in

muddied places, the steep hills, swamps and rocky areas


oh I see the salty trails of the tears we shed

the snot and grime of the struggle

we are those who walk the unusual path of

contentment even in failure

joy even in poverty

self satisfaction as we remain grounded in God.

it’s been brutal and painful…

we have jumped out with fright on numerous accounts

but we still have our voices unheard , and our laughter cut far away from humans

we still have HOPE

we still have His guidance and His approval

so we will bless the earth with our persevering smiles,

as we recount our successful journey from one of failure to that of contention.

so we smile!

(i’m totally bummed out and trying not to doze off i have a couple pieces to post but i am so so tired enjoy this dry piece from a harmattan seasoned friend. please read and comment ..share your thoughts with me. don’t forget to subscribe)



Hilda Asare [ Heal-Da]

not a child of a lesser god. c j cooper in the making.. a die hard chh fan,sucker for words and tunes. nature is bae...nursing stud..budding writer at TSW